We believe that each organization & individuals are unique & therefore require customized support designed specifically for them. UP specializes in creating innovative development & plans suited for the individual organizations & communities.
We don’t follow a cookie-cutter philosophy to consulting. that’s why all our tools are vetted through numerous iterations.
But we take it yet another step…
Every time we do a gig, we learn, right along side our clients. We learn how our tools impact those we serve, how folks orient to our styles & methodologies, and then we make adjustments. This means that every time we do our work, every single time, we bring our internal lessons forward to serve individuals & organizations moving forward.
somatic campaign development
our focus areas
strategic planning
UP has created a unique methodology for developing strategic plans that simultaneously attends to both short- & long-term goals using a somatic lens.
Training imparts the analytical structure of Somatics & Embodied Organizing, & teaches specific skills in each of our focus areas.
2-4 days retreats provide an uninterrupted environment that results in far more advancement than the equivalent time in episodic training.
leadership development
UP’s work emphasizes personal leadership skills as the foundation for sustainability & effectiveness.
organizational development
The overarching goal of UP’s work is to reshape organizational culture to prioritize wellness & dignity towards high efficiency + external impact.
UP’s engages the whole agency in every focus area & on every level using somatic coaching (individual, staff-wide, executive, & board).
leaders of embodied organizing (LEO)
organizational development
- Staff: Somatic analysis of an agency’s internal communication & operational systems to identify practices that impede effectiveness & impact.
- Community: Exploring the history of the communities organizations serve; what actions community members are therefore primed to take or not take & customizing organizing approaches to cultivate desired actions.
- Board: Aligning the roles & responsibilities of Board members with the vision & goals generated by the somatic process, emphasizing where, when & how the work of the Board connects to the work of the organization.
- Collective: Designing points of contact & group interaction practices to streamline & enhance effectiveness of the agency & the community as an ecological whole.